Posts Tagged ‘World War Z’

World War Z: Movie Review

Posted: July 1, 2013 in Movie Review

Having read the book the idea for this movie was taken for I was eager to see it when it was released. For those who have read the book, this movie seems to take bits and pieces from the individuals’ stories and melds them into a continuous story-line that follows one main character (Brad Pitt). So there are elements from several sections of the book but the movie almost seems like it would have been just one section in the book. Now having explained that for the book readers let me move on to the movie aspects that I loved.

I really enjoyed this movie and one of the main reasons is the soundtrack that accompanied it. I have always thought that the music accompanying a movie can make or break it, and the music for this movie was able to enhance my movie-watching experience. For example, when anxiety was needed, the music had me gripping the armrest and climbing the back of my chair. The music was working so well I almost wished I could mute the sound (like I do for really intense horror movies because that usually eases the tension) however, the soundtrack was used so well that when there were scenes without music it was just as bad. They worked wonderful magic with the music for this movie.

I also liked the family interactions that we started the movie off with because anyone with a similar family construction can see their own family in those scenes. Okay, maybe we don’t all look like Brad Pitt or have wonderful kitchens, but kids jumping on you in the morning….check! It was a believable interaction as was the reaction of the masses in such an outbreak. The looting, swarming, and general disregard for laws and humans alike would be an expected reaction if such an incident was taking place in real-life.

I also liked the way that Brad Pitt’s character was able to think so quickly on his feet, and to create his hypothesis from his surroundings and happenings in all the chaos. For instance, he develops his own thoughts on a possible timeline from attack to onset of infection from his child’s counting doll. Most of these types of instances take place in such chaos that it is miraculous that he is able to pinpoint these important facts and implement them into the future actions he takes and decisions he makes.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and highly recommend it to World War Z readers, zombie fans, and those who are ready to be crawling up the seat in anticipation.